How do I use the microscope with my iPad?

Last Update: April 26th, 2024
Article ID: 2318668

It is very exciting to see that iPads are now compatible with external cameras like our USB2-MICRO-250X! In order to use our microscope iPads must have:

  • A USB C port
  • iPadOS version 17.x or higher

You'll also need to install an additional camera app to see the microscope image like:

We've tested and confirmed compatibility with the apps listed above, but there are surely other compatible apps as well. After installing an app, start it with the microscope plugged in and you should see the microscope image. You may have to go into the settings for the camera app, and set the microscope as the default app.

We hope this was helpful! Have you found a compatible app you'd like to share? Feel free to reach out to us directly at: with any questions or concerns!