I’m Being Prompted for a Verification Code During Payment. Where Is This Verification Code?

Last Update: January 8th, 2024
Article ID: 2330064

Our site is hosted through Shopify, and uses Shopify Payments for processing payment.

If you have made purchases through Shopify before, you may get prompted to provide a verification code, but Shopify does not indicate what phone number it is being sent to.

Typically this will be whatever phone number you included with a previous order. Whether it was an order placed on our site, or another Shopify-based website.

To manage which number the verification codes are sent to, you'll need to login on shop.app and make changes within your account settings.

We have no ability to view or modify this, as these systems are handled entirely by Shopify's Shop platform. If you need help with this, contact their support using the options found at https://help.shop.app/hc/en-us/categories/4406643451156-Support