What Do the Lights on the Bluetooth Folding Keyboard Mean?

Last Update: June 7th, 2024
Article ID: 615374

This article explains what the LED keys on Plugable Folding keyboards indicate when they light up. 



Light Status
Power LED in Red The keyboard is charging through the USB port. It will go out when charging is finished.
Power LED in Green The keyboard has sufficient charge for operation. (Turns on when opening the keyboard, then turns off.) 
Power LED in Green - flashing You can check the keyboard's charge level by pressing Fn + Right Alt.  This LED indicates the battery level from 4 flashes (full battery) to 1 flash (needs charging).
State LED in Blue The keyboard is ready to use. (Turns on when opening the keyboard, then turns off in a few seconds.) 
State LED in Blue - flashing The keyboard is broadcasting its existence through Bluetooth and can be discovered by your computer,  tablet, or phone.  (Press Fn + C to enter Bluetooth parting mode) 
State LED in Green The keyboard is operating in USB mode *)   
Caps LED in Blue Caps Lock is on. 

*) Switching USB / Bluetooth mode: 

  • Fn + 1 :  Bluetooth mode
  • Fn + 2 :  USB mode



Light Status
Left LED in Blue - flashing The keyboard is broadcasting its existence through Bluetooth and can be discovered by your computer,  tablet, or phone.  (Press Fn + C to enter Bluetooth parting mode.) 
Left LED in Red -  flashing The battery needs charging. 
Right LED in Green The keyboard is ready to use. (Turns on when opening the keyboard, then turns off.) 
Right LED in Red  The keyboard is charging through the USB port. It will go out when charging is finished.